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Item #: BL-00072-W
Our Price: $19.99
Brand ThreaDelight
Bobbins Size L size
Fiber Filament Polyester
Yardage 125 yards
Bobbins Type Plastic Sided Embroidery Bobbins
Thread Weight 60 wt embroidery thread


72 L size plastic-sided bobbins WHITE

We digitize and test stitch embroidery designs - a lot of them. Afterdoing a simple calculation, we realized that it is cheaper to use prewound bobbins (not mentioning the saved time & frustration).

These prewound bobbins include the largest possible amount of thread per bobbin, as they have no sides and this free space is taken by extra thread.

These ThreaDelight ™ bobbins are champions, both for price and quality.Excellent prewound bobbins for home and professional use.

  • The bobbins have plastic sides & core - to move smoothly into the bobbin case.
  • Due to parallel wound, ThreaDelight ™ bobbin includes a lot more thread than any home wounded bobbin does. This allows embroidering much longer, instead of stopping in the middle of designs!

Brand ThreaDelight
Bobbins Size L size
Fiber Filament Polyester
Yardage 125 yards
Bobbins Type Plastic Sided Embroidery Bobbins
Thread Weight 60 wt embroidery thread


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(based on 1 review)

Showing 1 Review:

by valeri
on 11/19/2020
from Longmont
Great Product !
Love these bobbins ...great value too ! I tell all my friends on the various FB Embroidery pages about your shop .about your site
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